World Mental Health Day 10/10/2020 (WMHD)
We are so humbled by the response we received to World Mental Health Day, as friends, friends of friends, relatives, neighbours, and strangers answered the call to leave bunches of flowers and plants for strangers to find. Through our work, at the Barnet Wellbeing Hub, we know what a positive effect on mental health flowers can have, whether that's growing them or arranging them. Couple this with our history of Flower Bombing and the idea was born to let others know that there is always someone out there for them.
They were left at bus stops, benches, and walls everywhere from Dundee to Marmaris. I heard from flower bombers all over the UK and have even received messages from delighted recipients amazed to have found them.
On Friday a lady I’d never met before came into the shop with a bunch of flowers from her garden that she wanted me to hand out. She told me her mother and brother both suffered from mental health issues and her homemade bunch was her gesture towards the day. I made sure that her bunch was the first to be flower bombed.
Here is a little taster of the day.
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You may not have seen the news article by Kamilah Mclnnis for the BBC, and the effect that receiving a Flower Bomb from us had on her day and her mood.
"Thank you so much @the_flowerbank.for turning my sad day into a happy one.” Kamilah McInnis
If you want any further information please contact me here